WAYS TO BE YOURSELF WITH US: web magazine by Rinascimento



Women’s equality day

On this symbolic day, we share the journey of Rinascimento and the experiences of the women in our team

Collage di foto di donne

Women’s Equality Day celebrates the achievement of women’s right to vote in America on August 26, 1920. In Italy, the same right was only established 30 years later, highlighting how the path to equality and rights is often long and uphill. Since 1952, a journey has commenced—a continuation of the struggle many women around the world are still fighting. This journey has become a vital and clearer path for the well-being of our society. We have made many strides, and while there are still steps to take, on this historical and symbolic day, we also want to celebrate the positive and the progress that has already been achieved.

Women of Rinascimento: a daily reality

Rinascimento is a reality born from trust in people, a passion for the art of fashion, and a deep connection to our local area. This passion has always been embraced by both men and women across our brand’s roles and locations, each eager to take on new challenges. Rinascimento has always valued talent and this defining quality will guide us toward the future we envision. 

The value of our work comes from the collaboration among the people in our teams. At Rinascimento, a brand of the Teddy Group, men and women work and grow together every day. This is the experience of Michela Colli, Communication Manager at Rinascimento, who has spent 8 years at the heart of the company, immersed in meetings, decisions, challenges and discoveries. Every day, Michela engages with the women on her team and those who choose us to support them on their personal journey towards freedom. 

Donna con in mano telefono
Persona che scrive a computer

Michela spends her days in the office surrounded by clothes, collections and meetings; she travels the world for our new store openings, and through her work, helps tell the story of Rinascimento’s art of fashion. After all, fashion has always been a means of self-expression and has driven significant changes that have revolutionised women’s lives. But what does it really mean to be a woman at Rinascimento, and why is it important to celebrate this special day?

“Women’s Equality Day is important to us not only as a historical and symbolic date but as a constant reminder of what we want to become as a company. I know I’m lucky because I work in an environment where I feel respected and valued for my skills and talent. At the same time, I know that this is not the case in all workplaces,” says Michela, “which is why, for us, working at Rinascimento is above all a learning experience so that those who pass through our offices can take these values with them wherever they go”.

Persona che scrive a mano

Most of us spend a large part of our time working, and it’s crucial that this becomes quality time that helps shape who we are: Work is one of the roads to self-realisation. Sometimes we take for granted how much the time we spend in the office affects our day. When we become truly aware of this, we must strive not only to experience it to the fullest but to help others do the same.

In a work environment, the male and female elements should never be in opposition or competition, as Michela explains: “True equality lies not in denying differences but in valuing them. To achieve this, we must focus on a common goal: my colleagues and I aim to make the most of our time in the office and work effectively so that our clients are happy when they choose us. Whether a colleague is male or female, their different perspective becomes a source of enrichment rather than a challenge or fear. This is possible because here we are clear about what we are working towards and what makes it worth the effort. We all have our difficult days, but we know we can always start afresh by helping each other and remembering that, when we work together, we are a team in which everyone has their role and each person is important. More than just women at Rinascimento, we are women of Rinascimento. The brand’s name reflects a journey of constant change and renewal.

Mano che indica schermo computer

The change we want

There are many women at Rinascimento, all in different roles. While we aim to grow and enrich ourselves with the experience of new talent every day, there is much more to it than that. “Our brand is Made in Italy and deeply passionate about Italy, from the small artisan to the woman stepping into our store for the first time” concludes Michela. “We aspire to be an integral part of a virtuous journey filled with values and ambitions, contributing to spreading the beauty of our work everywhere. We know that the road ahead is still long, but I’m also certain that we are willing to travel it, and we will do so together”.