WAYS TO BE YOURSELF WITH US: web magazine by Rinascimento



Discover the beauty of being yourself

5 women, 5 different personalities who talk about the beauty and freedom of being a woman.

What is beauty?

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Spoiler: it’s not size. Beauty has nothing to do with standards and perfection; it cannot be limited by standards or confined to a model of perfect proportions. Beauty isn’t even an ideal to be reached.

Beauty is the truth about who we are. It’s the freedom to express it.

At Rinascimento, we firmly believe in this. For us, beauty is expressed through the personality and stories of women, so we give the floor to five voices who bring the beauty of being a woman into our company every day.

Giulia and fashion as self-discovery

‘Beauty is the possibility of experiencing my passions, discovering something new about myself each time.’ 

Giulia, 23, has been passionate about fashion since she was a child: ‘I followed fashion shows and the red carpets, I knew every trend and wanted to be part of that world.’

‘Today, I want fashion to become an opportunity for women to talk about themselves.’

What struck her was fashion’s ability to express different and seemingly distant people and cultures: ‘Clothes gave me the opportunity to travel and get to know new worlds.’ Today, fashion is also a tool for her to express her personality and tell her story: ‘My style has changed so much over the years and I know it will change again. It took time to discover how to express who I am through my clothes, but when I found my style and I realised I could mix and match garments and wear what I wanted, it was a wonderful feeling.’

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Giulia’s must-have?  ‘A maxi kimono with an obi belt that transforms my super glamorous look and represents the legacy of my travels’

Paola and the shots that tell the tale

‘Beauty is a new way of looking at things.’ This is Paola, 56 years old and a great enthusiast of art and photography. Paola sees beauty as a new way of looking at reality. ‘Art is a way of seeing things through the eyes of another person; it’s a concept that I try to carry with me on every occasion because it allows me to not always be anchored to the way I perceive things.’ We have all experienced days when we don’t feel particularly beautiful or fit, but our beauty can emerge if we learn to look at ourselves with love.

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‘Beauty is also made up of small imperfections in perfect harmony. We just have to learn to love them.’

It’s about ways of looking, but also ways of being and expressing oneself. Beauty is an inspiration that Paola also brings to her looks composed of 'timeless classics that frame my personality', but always with a personal touch. ‘I love details because they always allow me to add an extra little something to my looks.’

Valentina and life-changing books

‘Beauty is taking care of yourself, dedicating time to doing what you love and sharing it with those closest to you.' We could say that 28-year-old Valentina is a dreamer because time is what often seems to be missing in our days but, trust us, it’s not so. Over time, she learnt the value of commitment to herself and not neglecting any of her passions, such as reading, which Valentina uses to find different stories and women to learn from each time. ‘The great books, the great characters in literature that change your perspective are those who choose to take their lives and their desires into their own hands and follow them even when everything seems to be against them.’

‘The real turning point comes when you realise that you are the protagonist of your own story.’

Valentina also brings this self-awareness to her looks, which are practical and comfortable but reflect her way of living and feeling things. She chooses a style that is far removed from current trends but reflects her personality.

‘The only project that has value is yours, the only person who should be happy with your life is you.’

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Monica and self-care

‘Beauty is the time I choose to devote to what I love’

Monica is 46 years old and her day is marked by her commitments at the office and the time she chooses to dedicate to her family. It’s a lot of work, but bit by bit, Monica has learnt how to organise her days, and today she knows how to take care of herself, too. ‘I love my job and I love my family, but I know by now that to be fully present, I need to devote time just to myself, even just with little moments. I have my beauty routine and I try to make time for shopping trips with friends. I like to walk into the store, try on some clothes and treat myself a little’.

Francesca and her passion for stories

‘Beauty is care’

If there is one thing we can say about Francesca, 38, it’s that she knows what she wants. She knows her body well, she knows what style she likes and which one best describes her: ‘Getting to know things is one of my greatest passions, I like to learn, I always try to delve deeper into the topics I come across when I read.’

‘While everyone is looking for brevity, I prefer stories and attention to detail’.

This is also how Francesca approaches fashion. She likes to ‘get to know the garments, composing total looks that are flattering and reflect my lifestyle.’  She pays great attention to everything, putting in hard work and planning, just so she can have the time to really focus on what she cares about: ‘Care requires time and attention.’

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We chose 5 voices, 5 different women to describe what beauty means to us for the 8th of March, National Women's Day. With our work we try to communicate and share beauty, and give every woman a tool to tell her own story. In all our stores and online, you will always find traces of this desire in our stories, projects and dedicated services, such as the Fidelity Card which, starting today, will give you access to a 20% discount on all purchases.

Our wish is for each of you to always feel free to be yourself, and we want to be by your side on this journey. To take you even further on this journey, we have prepared a fantastic playlist for you to set the right mood on this day of celebrating women.